Designing a Home For Warm Humid Climates Where Germane


I discussed the hot arid climate in my last blog and how we can accomplish a more comfortable living environment within our homes by following a few design guidelines. Next, I want to talk about Warm Humid Climates and what we can do to address this specific zone.


The main characteristics for a warm humid climate include:


-High rainfall and high humidity

-Temperature is relatively high and fairly even throughout the day and throughout the year

-Winds are light and even non-existent at times

-Heavy precipitation and storms occur frequently


The main objective with a warm humid climate is to reduce the impact of sun and to provide cooling with wind as much as possible.


Here are some design ideas:


-Provide maximum shading of solar radiation with large overhanging roofs on the north and south sides

-Try to shade every window if possible

-Minimize east/west exposure as much as possible

-Orient house on north/south axis to provide maximum ventilation and free air movement.

-Use large openings on north/south for cross ventilation

-Avoid heat storage and use reflective outer surfaces

-Use tiled floors and not carpeting

-Use vegetation to moderate solar impact by creating shade


These are some important ideas to consider as you begin the process of designing your new home in a warm humid climate. Shade and ventilation are really the key and by thinking about this in the beginning you will have a superior finished product in the end.


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