Capturing Western US Beauty

The Western United States offers a canvas of vast deserts, lush coastlines, and imposing mountains, and Canadian Timberframes has successfully left its mark on this varied landscape. Our projects in states like California, Oregon, and Montana showcase our ability to integrate the natural environment with our sustainable building practices. In California, our timber frames complement the modernist architecture of coastal homes, while in Montana, they echo the ruggedness of mountain lodges.

Sustainable Building in America's Diverse West

Our presence in the Western United States encompasses a range of states, including California, Nevada, Oregon, and Montana, each with unique environmental and design needs. Canadian Timberframes excels in delivering customized, sustainable timber frame solutions that enhance the natural beauty and functionality of homes and commercial spaces across this dynamic region. Follow our manufacturing process and find out more.

Projects In

United States (West)

What You Need To Get Started

Whether you're just beginning to explore the possibilities or you're ready to dive into the specifics of timber frame construction, we're here to guide you every step of the way.

Discover the essentials with our Timber Basics to understand the fundamentals of timber frame design and manufacturing.